Simgot EM6L Review: The Sublime King of Budget IEMs (Under $100)

Simgot EM6L Review Phoenix


Simgot EM6L Phoenix has been around for a while, and they’ve had their ups and downs. They started with the En series, which kind of resemble HifiMan’s headphones. Then things went quiet for a bit. But in 2022, they bounced back with the EA2000($254) and EA500($79), both of which got a lot of love, especially the EA500, which made it to the top of the budget-friendly IEM lists. 

After that, they kept the momentum going with the EW100P($19) and EW200($39), offering even more wallet-friendly options. And now, hot off the press after the EA1000, we’ve got the EM6L. This phoenix is a multi-driver IEM, packing 4 BA and 1 DD. So, how does this sound? Let’s dive deep in this Simgot EM6L review…


Simgot EM6L Phoenix is great If you like Harman Tuned, slightly leaner, brighter sound signature and want to use them for gaming activities.

Table of Contents

Build Quality & Comfort of Simgot EM6L Phoenix IEM

Simgot EM6L 2
Simgot EM6L 1

So, the Simgot EM6L has pretty solid build quality, it gives off the appearance of being made of metal but in reality, only the faceplate is metal while the rest is made of resin. 

In our Simgot EM6L Review, we found that the weight of these IEMs is just right, not too heavy and not too light, and they come in a smaller form factor compared to other IEM’s with similar specs. 

The stock cable that comes with them is decent, although I personally don’t think they look that great. But hey, that’s just my personal preference. The QDC connection type is a bit bothersome, as there are very few IEM’s that still use these connectors and they protrude, so any aftermarket cable lying around would fit but it would stick out a bit longer, unless it’s a QDC cable. 

As for comfort, these IEMs are great for me. The nozzle is a bit thicker but it shouldn’t be an issue for most people unless you have narrow ear holes. The overall shell fits comfortably and can be worn for longer listening sessions is the conclusion we drew before writing this detailed Simgot EM6L review.

Sound Quality of Simgot EM6L Phoenix IEM

Lows (Bass)

The bass on Simgot EM6L is pretty decent. It’s not overwhelming or anything, but there’s a good amount of it. I’d say the focus is more on the Mid Bass, and it feels nice. There’s a good impact and authority to it, but it doesn’t drown out the other frequencies. 

The sub-bass is a bit more controlled in comparison, a bit more sub-bass would have been welcomed. When compared to the EA500, I liked the sound of the bass on these better. The timbre is just done so well, and even though it’s a bit slower than BA bass, it just feels more natural to me. Overall, I’m pretty happy with the bass on these headphones.

Mids (Midrange)

The vocals in the Simgot EM6L really take the spotlight – they’re right up front, open, and airy. They do justice to some singers, but for others, they can come off a bit dry and, dare I say, kind of artificial. It’s like a game of chance, you know? It all depends on the weight of the note. The default vocal note leans a bit on the thinner side, which might be why it feels that way. 

While it does add to the overall vocal texture, there are times when it seems like it’s missing that warm, natural vibe you’d get from IEMs that are all about the vocals like the Moondrop Blessing 2 or Softears RSV. When it comes to female vocals, they really shine in these, hitting the mark and all. But it’s the lower mid-range, especially with male vocals, that takes a bit of a hit. 

All in all, the vocal game here is pretty strong and well-kept, especially for an IEM tuned to the Harman Standard. In a nutshell, it’s crisp, airy, and wide open. in t

Highs (Treble)

The treble on the Simgot EM6L Phoenix stands out to me. It’s so crisp and clear, that it makes all the little details in the music pop. But it’s not too harsh or sibilant, which is a huge plus. The timbre and tonality are spot on, everything just sounds perfect. The instruments are well-spaced and have great attack and speed. And the level of detail and resolution is seriously impressive, especially for the price. 

The clarity is just amazing, probably some of the best treble I’ve heard in this price range. I don’t notice that typical BA timbre that you get with some IEMs, but on certain tracks and instruments, there’s a subtle metallic quality that comes through. It’s not a big deal for me, but it’s worth mentioning. Overall, the treble on Simgot EM6L IEM’s is top-notch.

Soundstage, Resolution and Timbre

The soundstage on Simgot EM6L is really impressive. The way the instruments are separated and the overall imaging feels wider than most other in-ear monitors (IEMs) is just fantastic. It’s like being in a large hall rather than just a room. The imaging is clear and crisp, with precise positioning, making it great for gaming. The level of detail, both micro and macro, is incredible for the price. The attack is sharp and the mids and treble are fast, making the sound fun. 

While it may not be the most dynamic, the contrast between vocals and every instrument is great. The tonality and timbre are exactly what you’d expect from an IEM following the Harman curve. It’s similar to the IE600, but with a more balanced approach, slightly less bass, a bit more vocal presence, and a little less sparkiness. I prefer a bit more warmth on the vocals, but I still enjoy the vocals on these. Overall, these headphones offer a really impressive sound experience.


  • Accuracy: 
  • Comfort: 
  • Build Quality: 
  • Isolation: 
  • Detail and Clarity: 


  • Bass Impact: 
  • Drivability: 

Sound Quality

Low Frequency (Bass):
Mid Frequency:
High Frequency (Treble): (3/5)


Fit and Ergonomics: (8/10)
Build Quality: (7/10)

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